The Doggie Flea Market was a Success!

This year Hops & Harley included a “Doggie Flea Market” and we are happy to announce that it was a HUGE SUCCESS! $895.18 was raised for Harley’s Dream! Thank you so much to everyone who donated all the great items – it was so fun opening the packages as they arrived in the mail.  We would also like to extend our thanks to Bernadette, Beth, Janice and Vikki, our awesome (and super fun) volunteers who ran the booth throughout the day. These amazing ladies not only worked hard selling merchandise, but they also spent the day educating shoppers about puppy mills. Enjoy our photos below!

Janice (left) is busy educating shoppers about puppy mills.
Bernadette (left) and Janice (right)
The Doggie Flea Market was busy all day long!
Vikki and her tutu kept shoppers entertained!
Bernadette was the Doggie Flea Market “captain” and she did an awesome job!







  1. That looks like it was great fun! Wish I didn’t live so far away. Good job everyone!

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