Harley Still Lives On … in all of us

Dear Friends,
5 years ago today … it seems like a lifetime, and it seems like yesterday. A day we knew would inevitably come, but the reality of it ever coming seemed so far away. But when it came, our world splintered into a million pieces, and when we let the memory come to the forefront of our minds, it’s a very painful one.
Our hearts are now a patchwork sewn together with the love from all of you for our Harley, and the incredible ways in which you help carry on his legacy. We are filled with gratitude for the outpouring of support for Harley’s mission … Harley’s Dream. Because of YOU, Harley’s message continues to be heard all over the world. Because of YOU, we’ve been able to make a positive impact on the lives of breeding dogs who are trapped in puppy mills. Because of YOU, the public is opening its eyes, animal welfare laws are being established, and people are choosing to adopt their pets rather than purchasing. Because of YOU, 145 dogs (and one cat!) have been saved from shelters … mostly seniors – precious lives without hope who may not have survived without our help. Because of YOU, these sad, scared dogs got a second chance – they learned of kindness and love and what it’s like to be treasured.
Harley left such a huge legacy and still lives on in all of us. And though we still feel the pain of losing him, we smile because he lived. We smile at the memories of his antics and milestones and wisdom. And we smile as we realize the impact he had on so many.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for loving our boy and giving us strength since the day that Harley left us. You helped us get through it, and he lives on because of you. We are forever grateful.
Rudi and Dan


  1. Dan and Rudi, you are so very welcome. Wheezer and I will continue to support Harley’s Dream. We are so grateful for all you do . Thank you

  2. I think of Harley every day and tell everyone I meet about Harley and puppy mills. I hope I have affected a small change!

  3. I will always support Harley’s dream! He got me through a really difficult time in 2013, when I lost my soul mate dog, Sam. I had the pleasure of meeting him TWICE! Some of my favorite memories. ❤🐶🌷🌈

  4. I remember my husband driving me to DC when Harley came to speak at Congress about puppy mills. I’d read Harley would be at the ASPCA ? building.. I was thrilled to see Harley when we got there and I got to hold Harley and he gave me kisses! I will never forget it. Never.

  5. Furever in our hearts and memories. We are his voice and his message against puppy mills and TO ADOPT, DON’T SHOP will continue furever! <3

  6. What a powerful outpouring of emotion but so well deserved towards that little scrap of a dog who lives on in all of us who continue animal welfare, in particular towards those dogs who gave and are still giving their lives for the greed of man. One day Harley it may come to an end and your memory will be right there in everyone of us who has done something towards that goal. Rudi & Dan I salute you. I donate every week on. Friday, it’s not much but over a year I am proud at what it helps to achieve. Much love, Lynda Smeeton, Devon UK xx

  7. Harley you may be gone but all the teaching you have done is stronger than ever before and you will always be our teacher and you and teddy will forever be loved and missed.

  8. I still remember the impact of first seeing Harley and his mission on my life. As one who had an eye that didn’t work as well as my other one my entire life was living with the false belief I was less than, always missing out, and thinking I couldn’t do what I wanted because I was told I couldn’t. Even if it was well-meaning it created a limited way of viewing the world. I couldn’t see that it was possible for me with one good eye to trust my own vision. Literally and figuratively. It truly was a prison. Harley’s little posts, pictures of him in the grass, sitting on a stump, dressed up in a costume brought some much needed joy and light to my world. He didn’t sit and wallow for what had been his life; he lived every day and only looked back to share with people the reasons why change was needed. I discovered through Harley the awful treatment of dogs in puppy mills. I have wanted a cause I could support to help others and get outside of myself, and seeing the steadfast efforts of Harley and his friends gave me a direction and purpose I hadn’t had in what felt like a really long time. Harley’s sense of humor, acceptance of himself, and courage touched my heart and helped open it up more to other experiences, taking steps with courage. Feeling like I could make a difference was something I had missed for many years too. I am grateful for learning through following Harley, to just embrace who you are and never give up. Everyone no matter what might be “wrong” with them, can make a difference somehow.

  9. I never had the privelege of meeting Harley but he had a profound impact on me. From the minute I saw his precious face on You Tube and read his story, I knew I had to do what I could to spread his mission. When hebpassedvaway I cried like had lost one of my own. Although he lived a wonderful life after being rescued, I could not help but be upset that he did not have more years with Rudi and Dan. Harley was and still is a very special dog and he is making a difference for so many dogs. He may have went to the Rainbow Bridge but he is still very much alive. I love you Harley.❤🐾🌻

  10. I miss Harley so – it makes me more dedicated to keep his dream alive and rescue others

  11. Harley will always be an inspiration of what love is and what love can achieve. Thank you for saving him and so many others. Your kindness is saintly. Harley is assisting the mission of hope from the other side now. He is love itself and forever loved.

  12. We all loved Harley and miss him, but we can never feel the heartbreak you both have. Keep on saving these precious babies!! Thank you!!!❤️🐾🐾

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