Sammy’s Journey


Just before Christmas, by chance, I happened to run into the most wonderful couple. As often happens, our conversation turned to dogs. They told me about a very special little dog named Peanut whom they loved dearly, and who they lost suddenly a year earlier. It was clear he meant the world to them and that their hearts needed mending.

I mentioned we had recently rescued three shelter dogs and all would be needing forever homes. Amazingly, they already knew about them, but Sammy in particular – they had seen his photos on Harley’s Facebook page! We made plans to get together a couple days later so they could meet Sammy. I knew without a doubt … meeting them was no coincidence!

Sammy did, indeed, find his forever home with this doting couple and everything is absolutely perfect! Besides a mom and dad who cherish and love him immensely, Sammy also has three canine sisters (Molly, Penelope and Emma) who immediately accepted him into their pack.

Sammy’s mom, Connie, shared this message recently, “I am so grateful that there are wonderful people like Rudi and Dan whose love for animals brought the love and joy of sweet little Sammy into my life. I smile every time I think of him. He’s perfect!”

Connie, we are beyond grateful for wonderful people like you and Gus who cherish the seniors as much as we do. Thank you for loving Sammy and giving him a fabulous new life!

Dec 19, 2018

Sammy might not have the prettiest face right now, but that’s okay because he doesn’t have that painful eye anymore. He’s doing really well after yesterday’s surgery … eating, drinking, and soaking up all the love and attention he can get. The medications Sammy’s taking will assure a quick and painless recovery.

We took Billy to Four Seasons Veterinary Specialists when we picked up Sammy today, he was so happy to see him!

A HUGE THANK YOU to Dr. Lineberger and the staff at Four Seasons for taking such great care of little Sammy!

Dec 19, 2018

Sammy is home and the first thing he asked for was a belly rub! We’ll have a detailed update later. ❤️

Dec 18, 2018

Sammy’s surgery went well and he’s doing fine, resting comfortably in the care of the staff at Four Seasons Veterinary Specialists. This morning a blood panel was done, so surgery didn’t actually begin until this afternoon. It was a long surgery but absolutely necessary. Sammy’s left eye needed to be removed immediately to prevent him from suffering, and neutering him was important as he was cryptorchid (the undescended testicle was possibly cancerous). Currently, he’s on heavy pain meds and quite comfortable. Tomorrow morning we hope to bring Sammy home. Please continue to keep our precious boy in your prayers.

Dec 18, 2018

It’s surgery day for Sammy. We just left him in the expert care of Dr. Lineberger and the staff at Four Seasons Veterinary Specialists. He will have his left eye removed and he’ll also be neutered. (His dental surgery is scheduled for Jan. 10th with Dr. Sitzman.) Please keep this precious little boy in your thoughts and prayers today. We know he’ll do fine, but it’s still so worrisome.

Dec 17, 2018

Billy and Sammy meet Stella for the first time!

Dec 14, 2018

Sammy and Billy got a little exercise outdoors this morning! You can see they are both adjusting well. On Tuesday, Sammy will have his neuter surgery and also his left eye removed. We’ve had veterinary appointments every day this week, keeping us very busy! We will continue to update you all as we are able. Thank you so much for caring about these two little guys and for helping us help them.

Dec 10, 2018

After visiting the eye specialist today, since we were in the same neck of the woods, we stopped by Petcardia Veterinary Cardiology so Dr. Heaney could meet Sammy. And.. well … the picture speaks for itself.

Dec 10, 2018

Sammy had a visit with Dr. Burgesser at the Animal Eye Center today. It seems that at one point in his life, Sammy’s left eye had ruptured and then healed over in a strange way. He also has glaucoma in that eye. It’s serious, of course, and the eye needs to be removed. Sammy also has some issues with his right eye, but we’ll be managing that with eye drops for now. Until the surgery (which isn’t scheduled yet) we will make sure Sammy is comfortable and pain-free. He is doing well and is such a cuddle-bug!! He’s even asking for belly rubs!

Dec 10, 2018

We’re about to take Sammy to the eye specialist. The veterinarian at the shelter in San Jose felt he might need one or both eyes removed, but we’re praying for better news than that. Please keep this little guy in your thoughts today.

Dec 9, 2018

Sunflower, Sammy and Billy have arrived in Colorado and they are now all safe and sound (with full bellies) in our home.

And WHEW!!!! What a busy last few days it’s been! I’m looking at these 3 little ones now, knowing that they were scheduled to be euthanized … holding back my tears. I can see how desperate they are to be loved (and to give love) … and knowing they will now have that chance … it’s just absolutely amazing.

THANK YOU to the entire Harley community for helping us save Sunflower, Sammy and Billy. I know it’s cliché, but it really does take a village, and without the help of so many of you, these precious little ones would have died. We are ALL so profoundly grateful.

Dec 7, 2018

Sammy and Billy have safely arrived at their temporary foster home in San Gabriel, CA… all is well. ❤️

Dec 7, 2018

Sammy and Billy are currently en route to Los Angeles thanks to Pilots N Paws volunteer, Paul! We’ll update you once they arrive. Wish our little ones a smooth flight!

Dec 7, 2018

Rescuing dogs from out of state often requires a lot of orchestration, and that has definitely been the case with the 3 little ones we are currently working on bringing from California to Colorado.

When we first pulled Sammy – and then Billy – from the shelter, we were contacted by a wonderful supporter (and fan of Harley’s) named Anne, offering her help in any way we could use it.

To make a long story short, Anne picked up Sammy and Billy early this morning from their temporary foster-mom’s home. She and these adorable seniors have been spending the day together, hanging out in the park and enjoying each other’s company, and soon she will be driving them to a small airport in San Jose. There she will connect with Paul, a private pilot (another hero of ours) who will fly the boys down to Los Angeles.

When I saw the dogs were less than 45 minutes away from my home I immediately emailed Harley’s Dream to see if I could help somehow. It’s been so fun and they are both very sweet boys. One is sleeping on my lap and one is curled up on my parka right now. I tell them they are brave and that they don’t have to worry. Even spending just a few hours together I feel we have bonded. I hope and pray that their medical issues can be healed and they end up together. This whole experience was wonderful. Meeting Darci and texting/talking with Rudi. And talking to the boys. Love them both!” – Anne

It takes a village – sometimes a rather large one – to save lives, and we are grateful to Anne for her help today! Enjoy the photos below!

Dec 7, 2018

The first leg of their journey is underway! By Sunday evening Billy and Sammy (along with Sunflower, whom we rescued on Nov 28) will be in Colorado … but that was only made possible because of some very special “Harley’s Heroes” on the ground who sprang into action when we sent out a plea for help!

This picture was taken this morning of our first Hero, Darci. She’s holding Billy and Sammy just before she handed them over to our next Hero, Anne (more about Anne later).

Darci is AMAZING! Acting as a representative of Harley’s Dream, she pulled both dogs from the shelter, saving them from being euthanized. She cared for them over the past few days and taught them that “everything will be okay.” Without Darci’s help, Sammy and Billy – who, we discovered, came from the same home when their owner became ill – might not have had a second chance. We are forever grateful! Darci is not only our Hero, she is an Angel.

All 3 of the dogs we rescued were considered “unadoptable” by the shelter because of serious medical conditions, so they were scheduled to be euthanized. Stay tuned for more updates as Sunflower, Sammy and Billy make their way to Colorado.

Darci saying goodbye to Sammy and Billy

Dec 6, 2018

We plan to have these 3 precious little ones safely in Colorado this Sunday and supplies are needed. Thank you!

Dec 4, 2018

SAMMY IS SAFE!! Freedom photos … thanks to our amazing volunteer representative, Darci.

Dec 4, 2018

Early this morning we learned of a scared little Chihuahua in a San Jose, CA shelter that was scheduled for euthanasia. We spent the day working hard to convince the shelter to release “Sammy” to Harley’s Dream.

And well … it’s going to happen yet TONIGHT!!! Sammy is 12 years old and will need dental and neuter surgery (he’s cryptorchid). He’ll also need to see the eye specialist immediately. His vision is limited and he has an ulcer on one eye and he appears to have dry eye issues in both eyes. We are also worried about glaucoma, and we ask for your prayers and good thoughts that that is not the case.

It’s YOUR donations that make it possible for us to save dogs like Sammy.

“Saving one dog will not save the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.”