Site icon Harley's Dream – End Puppy Mills

It’s working! People are “Asking Harley”

Ask Harley what happened to his eye. This is the message that’s been appearing on billboards across the country over the past month and so far we feel it’s making quite a difference. But, from some of Harley’s supporters, there has been concern that we’re not putting out the right message, that we’re not “driving the puppy mill message home.” So, I’ll do my best to explain the reasoning behind Harley’s message.

In billboard advertising you only have a matter of seconds to get your message read. Eight words or less is best. A message that is a command (or a directive) tends to be most effective. And of course the picture must draw the eye, it needs to be something that people will notice.

“Ask Harley what happened to his eye” covers all the bases. The caption was developed after a lot of thought and professional advice.

How do we know it’s working? The week before the first billboard with this message went up, the hits to Harley’s website were a little more than 2,000 – but the week after, hits were over 19,000. That is HUGE! Every day we receive emails and messages (via all social media platforms) from people saying they just read Harley’s story. HARLEY’S MESSAGE IS EDUCATING PEOPLE … AND HIS VOICE IS BEING HEARD LOUDER THAN EVER!

Learn more about Harley’s billboard campaign, Signs from Harley.





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