Site icon Harley's Dream – End Puppy Mills

Fate Brought Harley To Us

We received the following message – and we appreciate the confidence that so many of you have in Dan and I. We were lucky to be the parents of such a special little dog, we always knew that. There REALLY WAS something extraordinary about Harley … there still is.

“I think it was fate that brought Harley, Dan and Rudi together. If anyone else had adopted Harley the story most likely would have been quite different. Rudi and Dan, whether they knew it or not, were the perfect parents for Harley and recognized that they were on a mission. Harley chose them because he knew they were the ones who would make his life mean something. And something it is. Thank you Dan and Rudi for recognizing and willingly forging ahead with Harley’s mission. You are making a huge difference in this ugly world of puppy mills. I thank you with all my heart. I know it’s a difficult path.” -Kathy


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