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Harley’s Hero Spotlight – Meet Shawna

Shawna and Harley

Why did you become a Harley’s Hero?
After learning about Harley on Facebook, I had the opportunity to meet him a few years ago in Tucson, Arizona. The impact he had on me is still difficult for me to articulate; mostly because he taught me so much. I just knew I had to do more, and hopefully make an impact educating people in my community.

Which city/state are you working in as a Harley’s Hero?
Which Team are you a member of? I am part of the Phoenix, Arizona Harley’s Heroes Team.

What motivates, inspires you in the fight against puppy mills?
My motivation to fight puppy mills is primarily based on three points:
1) Harley is my hero! He didn’t just teach me about puppy mills, but he taught me about forgiveness, courage, never giving up, and living life to the fullest.
2) Puppy Mills are just plain WRONG and no dog should have to endure the kind of life that these breeding dogs encounter.
3) The county I live in has one of the top five highest intake rates in the country within shelters. We have so many great dogs waiting to be adopted into their forever homes.

Do you have future plans as a Harley’s Hero?
If so, please tell us about them. Every Sunday we peacefully protest a different pet store in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Also, now that the weather is starting to cool off, we have registered to have an educational booth at the Arizona Animal Welfare League Walk to Save Animals event in Tempe, Arizona on November 3rd. We will also have an educational booth at The Day of the Dog event in Scottsdale, Arizona on November 17th and 18th.

What would you like everyone to know about puppy mills, pet stores and animal welfare laws in your state?
In May of 2016, our Governor signed legislation to kill the ability of cities to keep pet stores from selling commercially bred animals. The new law voided existing regulations in Phoenix and Tempe which only allowed pet stores to sell /adopt only rescue and shelter dogs and cats. That’s why our educational efforts are so important in our state!

Tell us about your pets!
My husband and I have 3 dogs … Maggie, our senior Chihuahua, is the queen of the house, Sugar Puff is a Maltese, my foster fail, who is such a happy, lively girl, and Roo, a Chihuahua/Jack Russell tri-pawd, is smart, quick and the best snuggler. We adopted all three and they have enriched our lives beyond measure.

Can you offer words of advice to someone who is considering becoming a Harley’s Hero?
Becoming a Harley’s Hero has been one of the best experiences I have ever had. Words of advice include – learn about your community and build those partnerships where you can and be a voice. Also, great things are done by a series of small actions, so do what you can when the situation arises and do what you are most comfortable with. Lastly, just do it!!! Fellow Harley’s Heroes make the best friends!

Do you have a favorite quote?
I have two favorite quotes:
“Be kind, work hard, stay humble, smile often, stay loyal, keep honest, travel when possible, never stop learning, be thankful, and always love.”
“Fall down seven times… get back up eight.”

Shawna (left) during a pet store protest
Shawna (right) during a pet store protest
Shawna’s kids: Roo, Maggie and Sugar Puff
Shawna (left) during a pet store protest
Shawna (2nd from left) educating about puppy mills
Shawna (3rd from left) during the Phoenix Pet Expo
Shawna (2nd from right) educating the public during the Pet Expo in Scottsdale, AZ


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