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Harley’s Hero Spotlight – Meet Julia

Why did you become a Harley’s Hero?
A few years ago I saw a talk show host (Oprah) tell America about puppy mills. I was horrified yet busy with life and my grandchildren so I kind of pushed it to the back of my brain. Life went on and my granddaughters grew into fine adults but that left me feeling unimportant, not needed anymore and very depressed. At one point, feeling hopeless and dealing with very serious health issues, I decided I probably shouldn’t take up any space on this earth anymore and just be gone. Then believing that everything happens for a reason I saw Harley on Facebook, and things began to change, I began to change. If this little broken dog could persevere and live his best life to the fullest, so could I. Harley’s Mission became my mission – to End Puppy Mills. So after studying all I could, watching that Oprah show again, that was it, I WAS ALL IN! I became a Harley’s Hero!

Which city/state are you working in as a Harley’s Hero? 
I live in the town I grew up in, Bucks County Pennsylvania. The name of my team is Harley’s Heroes of Bucks County PA.

What difference do you feel you are making as a Harley’s Hero?
I go to every event I can find to have my educational table because I believe education is the key. I also spend my days working to change animal rights laws. We worked very hard for the last couple years on a comprehensive animal abuse law here in PA, and I’m happy to say it became law on August 28, 2017. Since my passion is ending puppy mills, I’ve been working with my congressman Brian Fitzpatrick on a federal bill he’s introducing to congress this fall to end puppy mills and gathering support to get this bill passed.

What would you like everyone to know about puppy mills, pet stores and animal welfare laws in your state?
I would like everyone to know the truth. I’d like everyone to know pet stores sell puppy mill dogs. I would like everyone to know that it’s us, the voters, that have the responsibility to vote humanely. I’ve been working with my PA legislators on puppy mills and we’re trying everything from strengthening our abuse laws to getting the attorney general involved with the lack of taxes not being paid from selling dogs and cats online and with brokers. Also working with my congressman who has introduced the WOOF bill at the federal level.

What motivates, inspires you in the fight against puppy mills?
Knowing there are dogs living in terrible conditions in the heat of summer and in the freezing cold of winter receiving no love, no caring hands – only to be used for breeding and then killed (or relinquished to a rescue if they’re lucky) drives my passion to do all I can. This terrible truth makes me sick, yet strengthens me to do more. Seeing Harley so broken yet on his mission inspires me daily and now fills my life with purpose. I’ve been inspired by 3 little words, “LOVE LIKE HARLEY” and to always do the same. Being a person motivated by love, I’m still in relationships with childhood friends as well as with many new ones. I can honestly say I love my friends and fellow Harley’s Heroes – and their pets too!

Do you have future plans as a Harley’s Hero?
My future plans include setting up educational tables a various locations, so more people of all ages and walks of life will know the truth about pet store puppies, and so we can work collectively to end puppy mills once and for all.

Tell us about your pets!
I’m the Mom to 4 special needs cats and I feed feral cats every day, plus have 3 beautiful grand-dogs whom I love so very much.

Can you offer words of advice to someone who is considering becoming a Harley’s Hero?
When my heart was in that very dark place I didn’t think I had hope until I fell in love with Harley. If I could offer any advice to someone considering becoming a Harley’s Hero, I would say “Jump right in and welcome to the family!”

Do you have a favorite quote?
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall

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