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Frankie Celebrates “National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day”

In honor of “National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day,” Mr. Cranky Frankie Long-Legs had a little photo shoot. We rescued him from a shelter in South Carolina on November 4, 2017, so this was the first time he REALLY got to enjoy being in the warm grass since joining our family.
Frankie is really excited and asked if he could say a few words; how could we not let him? Here’s what he had to say:

“This morning I learned that it’s Adopt a Shelter Pet Day, and BOY, DO I HAVE A FEW THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THAT! I want you all to know that I was saved from a shelter nearly 6 months ago. I was starved, sick and in a lot of pain. I was filled with despair and I’d lost all hope. My heart hurt.

“But then suddenly everything changed. Before I knew it, I was whisked from the shelter and into the big, loving arms of a man I’d never seen before, and then off on an airplane we went! As it turned out, those arms belonged to my (soon-to-be) dad. He and I didn’t know at the time that he’d be my dad, but it’s a sure thing now.

“I was named Frankie and fed as much food as I could handle. Suddenly I had blankets and beds and toys and kisses, and well … just about anything my heart desired. And I’ve had nice doctors to help me feel better, too. But, most importantly, I have had love … lots of it!

“I wish every shelter pet could have the opportunity I’ve been given. If you’re looking for someone to love, why not visit your local shelter and adopt an animal who just needs a break, like I did? You won’t be sorry, I promise!

“Have a happy day. Love, Frankie”

Learn more about Frankie on our website at:
Follow the adventures of Frankie on Harley’s facebook page.

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