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Blessings and Planting Seeds

harley-sweater-from-desireeThe following story was shared with us by Harley’s Hero, Carole.

“Blessings and Planting Seeds” … it’s my practice and belief to bless (with sage) and set the intention for whatever it is I’m working on will get to where it needs to go and in the way it needs to. Again, this is strictly my belief and I’m asking that you just take what you want and leave the rest or take nothing if you so choose. With that being said I would like to relate the following two experiences:

We have a vacation home in New Hampshire that we visit all year round (from Massachusetts) and I wanted to plant the seed of awareness with Harley’s story there as well here in Massachusetts. I approached the director of our town’s library with the idea of putting up an educational (puppy mill) display geared towards children. She was very receptive to the idea and suggested I have it ready for sometime in January, and if it generates a lot of interest she suggested I could do a night at the library dedicated to questions and answers about puppy mills which will result in an article in the local paper! Also, after several failed attempts to make contact with the administrator of the Veterinary Program at the college in a near by town to discuss the idea that perhaps her students could make puppy mills a class project, I decided to approach the principal of our high school with the same idea for those seniors. After just a couple of attempts he graciously agreed to meet with me to discuss it. I brought along a ‘Harley Packet’, essentially a mini informational display table. It was too late as the projects for the year had already been picked and started. Then something I find incredible happened. Because he was aware of and outraged as well about puppy mills he said he would give the packet to his daughter who was in the very veterinary program at the very college I had been attempting to contact!

My point is, don’t be afraid to plant the ‘seed’ (that’s all we can do really) in the most unlikely places, it will find a way of getting to where it needs to go! -Carole Matthew

Carole Matthew sharing #HarleysDream during a local event.


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