Harley’s Hero Spotlight – Meet Randy

Randy and Lululemon

Why did you become a Harley’s Hero?
It was not really my idea. I am certain that Harley chose me. He showed up on my Facebook feed and it all began. Then came an announcement that Harley was going to be in Tucson – Meet & Greet in Reid Park! I had to go. I held him, I touched his soft ears, and I spoke to him. He spoke to me too. I remember thinking on the way home … what just happened to me? What can I do? How can I join him and his crusade?

Which city/state are you working as a Harley’s Hero?
I am retired and live in Tucson AZ. Our awesome Group is Harley’s Heroes of Tucson.

What difference do you feel you are making as a Harley’s Hero?
I feel like there is a heightened awareness about puppy mills here in Tucson. With every protest, the air is filled with more and more honks and hollers from passersby. My team and I take every opportunity to spread Harley’s Dream of no more pet stores selling mill puppies.

What motivates, inspires you in the fight against puppy mills?
I am motivated by sadness. My heart breaks when I think of helpless animals who are imprisoned by greedy puppy millers, pet store owners, and the other associated businesses that support this evil industry. I am also motivated by gratefulness. When my heart has been broken, dogs (including Harley) have helped me heal and find love. Harley’s Heroes gives me a chance to give back and serve others.

Randy and Lexi

Do you have future plans as a Harley’s Hero?
We are open to new, creative ways to further Harley’s Dream in the future. We also will be setting up some tabling events.

What would you like everyone to know about puppy mills, pet stores and animal welfare laws in your state?
Sigh! Arizona is the wild west. A couple year ago we very nearly had a law banning the sale of mill dogs statewide. We anxiously awaited the last signature and it would have been law. The Governor refused to sign the bill. Our hearts broke. We cried. We were angry. But the battle here in Arizona continues. We support a hard-working cadre of animal advocates as they continue to work with our State Legislators in Phoenix.

Tell us about your pets!
We have two dogs in our house. The first is my 94-year-old Mother’s dog, Penny. She is 14-years-old, weighs 8 lbs and she runs the house with an iron paw. My dog, Long Leg Lexi has been with me a year. She was rescued from a shelter in Nogales, AZ. She is a miniature Poodle. When she was 9-months-old she was dumped by an abuser. I found her through a pet finder rescue group. She was not what I had in mind, nor what I had described, but she was the only dog they offered me. She was nothing like my tiny dog, Mia who I loved more than I ever thought it was possible. (Mia passed a few months after Harley.) My Lexi is a work in progress, I know I needed her as much as she needed me. She is my joy and a true blessing.

Can you offer words of advice to someone who is considering becoming a Harley’s Hero?
If you feel the magnetic pull of Harley too, just do it! Do not hesitate. Your concerns will fall away. The rewards far outweigh the time and effort. You will be welcomed with open arms. The animal-loving friends you make will be with you forever. I truly do not have words to describe how grateful I am to have been recruited by that little one-eyed boy.

Do you have a favorite quote?
“Love is all you need.” -John Lennon

Learn about Harley’s Heroes here: www.harleysdream.org/harleys-heroes

Randy (holding Google Puppy Mills sign) and her team!
Randy with team member, Wynn
Randy (right) with Rudi and Wynn – and pups, Squeek, Klhoe and Lexi
Randy’s little “Mia”
Randy (holding boycott sign) and her team
Randy (right) meeting Harley for the first time



  1. Since Iowa is 3rd in the nation for puppy mills I’m always calling or writing our legislators regarding getting rid of those horrible operations. Iowa just passed a bill to protect community and animals, at least that’s a start. Here in Cedar Rapids we do have several rescue organizations which not only handle adoptions they handle medical care, also. Harley has been such a great warrior for all the puppies from puppy mills, I thank you for all the love and care you have given, not only to Harley but many other little ones needing help!

  2. Randy has a great big kind heart. Harley’s Heroes of Tucson, Mr Bill, and I are all lucky to have her in our midst.
    To say Thank You is not nearly enough…
    Not even close…
    You are a treasure, Miss Randy.

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